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Er Ming Zuo Ci Wan - Herbal Supplement

产品编号: FC11ER
经销商: 苏氏药业
聯繫表格 说明 聯繫表格

Er Ming Zuo Ci Wan is specially formulated from natural herbs to support the health of the inner ear, liver and circulatory system. It is beneficial in helping you to maintain a high level of overall health.

Benefits: Er Ming Zuo Ci Wan natural supplement contains Chinese Yam root and stem. This herb is especially effective on the digestive and circulatory systems. It can help to promote more effective circulation of the blood, which leads to better health. You also may find that this Chinese traditional supplement provides you with greater energy as you go through the day. Also, yam root can help to support a healthy digestive system. It can help you with poor appetite and support your digestive, respiratory, urinary and circulatory systems. People benefit from taking yam root to help them with their stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen and circulatory system health.



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  • 建议每天3次,每次8片


  • 孕期女性勿用;不建议长期服用或服用超过推荐剂量。
  • 腹泻、消化不良、月经量过多、尿频尿多、小便疼痛或小便困难等病患,不建议使用。
  • 服药期间忌食鱼。


  • 保持密闭
  • 防潮
  • 储藏温度低于30°C (86°F)
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